Ladies and Gentlemen... I am announcing today that I will be running for mayor of Winnipeg in 2010. ( Pause for reaction .) I'm planning a lot of big changes to the way the city runs, and I'm not leaving it to someone else to screw up. I'm sticking around until the city is running like a fine watch and that means one more term at least. I may not be your typical politician, but my mother didn't raise a fool. I will not raise property taxes this year. ( Wait for applause .) Or next. ( wait for cheers to die down .) What kind of an idiot would raise taxes in an election year? Stand up Councillor Swandel. There's going to be plenty of money sloshing around in the next couple of years, enough to keep Winnipeg afloat until after the next vote. That's when I'll bring the hammer down. ( Note to self: Don't say this last part out loud .) Before I go, I'm going to replace Plan Winnipeg with a new long-term planning blueprint. In the coming months, I will be a...
The origin of the Usher of the Black Rod goes back to early fourteenth century England . Today, with no royal duties to perform, the Usher knocks on the doors of the House of Commons with the Black Rod at the start of Parliament to summon the members. The rod is a symbol for the authority of debate in the upper house. We of The Black Rod adopted the symbol to knock some sense and the right questions into the heads of Legislators, pundits, and other opinion makers.