Idle No More has joined the fray into racist remarks made by Manitoba's Deputy Premier, and, guess what?
Apparently his comment attacking the "ignorance of do good white people" is not racist, it's describing "an attitude." Sort of like the term' drunk Indian' is a comment on sobriety and public intoxication, and not a racist slur.
Tanya Kappo, one of the claimants to originating Idle No More by inventing the hashtag for the movement, couldn't help but jump into the controversy this weekend through her Twitter account.
"Smarten up," she lectured Osborne House executive director Barbara Judt, the target of Robinson's racist comments. "You're the one who is blatantly lying." Nothing like civil discourse from a would-be lawyer (ptui).
"Ignorance of do good white people" is describing an attitude, not racist, declared Kappo.
Uh, sweetie, once you bring somebody's race into the argument, it's racist. Maybe they didn't teach you that in whatever law school you claim to attend, but that's a fact, jack.
Of course, we can only say "told ya so."
Way back in February, the Black Rod uncovered the fact that one of the founders of Idle No More, Sheelah McLean, is an academic who specializes in the study of Whiteness.
You read that right. Whiteness.
Whiteness is an actual field of study into---well, being white.
a bad thing, according to the specialists of Whiteness. You see, white
people are privileged because they're white and they benefit from the
fact that whites make the rules of society. So
even if they claim to be "do gooders", they're bad because they're
whites and they don't even realize they're actually racists.
Got that?
So when Tanya Kappo demonstrates institutional blindness in failing to see how referencing someone's skin colour to demonize them is a racist comment, she's just regurgitating the racist Whiteness philosophy.
Welcome to the Brave New World of Eric Robinson et al.
This has been quite a week of revelations of rampant racism within the aboriginal community.
On the very same day that APTN interviewed Eric Robinson about his racist email, we learned about the racist attitude of Brian Sinclair, the legless vagrant who died waiting for care at the Health Sciences Centre emergency room.
A witness at the inquest into Sinclair's death testified he was so disabled, mentally and physically, that social services tried to make a foster family arrangement for him but...
"Brian said he wouldn't live with any... white man," she said.
He, too, didn't want the assistance of any "do good white people".
only wanted to exploit the do good instincts of the doctors, nurses
and social workers who helped keep him alive after his own
irresponsibility brought him to the brink of death.
Otherwise, screw you whitey.
And this was barely a month after the release of a cell phone video taken on a Winnipeg transit bus of two foul-mouthed men ruining the ride of normal passengers subjected to racist anti-white taunts and a barrage of swearing.
Coming on the heels of the bizarre claim from some prominent members of Winnipeg's aboriginal community that the Canadian Museum for Human Rights should declare Canada's treatment of natives a genocide, it leaves us wondering how much the CMHR intends to self-censor its exhibits.
Will the CMHR prominently point out that the only place in Canada that women do NOT have equal rights as men is on Indian reserves? That the Indian Chiefs of the country fought tooth and nail to prevent the application on reserves of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Or are they too dependent on funding from the Manitoba NDP government to raise the issue of open racism by aboriginal leaders like Eric Robinson?