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Showing posts from 2020

Remember when free speech was a good thing?

  Early in the week we were watching a television news report on an anti-mask protest in Steinbach, when we heard possibly the stupidest comment ever spoken in Manitoba. The reporter (from Global TV if memory serves well) had plucked a young woman out to represent the anti-protest sentiment.  She said she recognized that the protest was about "individual rights" but, she continued, 'individual rights were not the mountain you want to die on.' WHAT????  We leaped out of our chairs as one. WHAT???? INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS LIKE THE RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH ARE EXACTLY THE MOUNTAIN YOU WANT TO DIE ON! we shouted. What made the shocking statement even more appalling was that it was made only days after Remembrance Day. You know, the day we set aside to honour the thousands who died fighting a world war to preserve individual rights.  And spoken only weeks before we mark the 30th anniversary of the end of Communism in the Soviet Union and the return, after 50 years, o...

Exposing the CBC/WFP double-team smear of a hero cop

Published since 2006 on territory ceded, released, surrendered and yielded up in 1871 to Her Majesty the Queen and successors forever. Exposing the CBC/FP double-team smear of a hero cop Some of the shoddiest journalism in recent times appeared this long August weekend when the CBC and Winnipeg Free Press doubled teamed on a blatant smear of a veteran city police officer. In the latest example of narrative journalism these media outlets spun stories with total disregard for facts that contradicted the central message of the reports which, simplified, is: police are bad and the system is covering up. Let's start with the story on the taxpayer funded CBC by Sarah Petz that can be summed up in the lead. "A February incident where an off-duty Winnipeg officer allegedly knocked a suspect unconscious wasn't reported to the province's police watchdog, and one criminologist says it shows how flawed oversight of law enforcement can be." There you have it. A policeman, not ...

"We Have Met The Enemy and He is Us. And You."

Now there's something you don't see every day---a major big-city newspaper committing hara-kiri. Buh-bye Winnipeg Free Press. We won't miss the 'new' you. A suicide note of sorts was penned by newspaper editor Paul Samyn and published in the Saturday, July 4, 2020 issue of the Free Press. "An apology for marginalizing people of colour, and a promise to atone for our past." cried the headline. Obviously inspired by the police-hating mobs that are terrorizing cities throughout Canada and the United States, Samyn went full grovel. He prostrated himself begging to kiss their rings, their feet, their behinds.  He begged foregiveness and mercy and offered to make amends. He did everything but offer his mother and wife to them as his personal reparations. Samyn wrote that the Winnipeg Free Press was always a racist newspaper. It was founded by racists, he said. Legendary Winnipeg Free Press reporters like John Dafoe were racists.  The newspaper was n...

Trudeau to the country: 'I Give Up.'

Where ya bin? you ask. In the modern vernacuar, we reply:  Later, dude. The Black Rod was jolted back into action by the televised news conference last week with the Prime Minister of Canada,  Justin  "Buckwheat" Trudeau. Trudeau had been jaunting around the world, basking in accolades, while mobs barricaded railroads across Canada, slowly strangling  the economy and forcing layoffs and shortgages of essential goods. Finally, shamed by the Opposition Conservatives in Parliament for ignoring the crisis, he reluctantly cancelled the next destination of his winter world tour---sunny Barbados---and returned to Ottawa. Less than a week of non-action later, he stood in front of television cameras to make an announcement:  he had no idea what to do. Yep, that was it. The leader of a country of 35 million people formally announced to the world that the protestors had won. He had nothing.  He had  tried his best, i.e. begging the "hereditary...